The Floo Network
Hogwarts Entrance Hall

Hogwarts Yearbook

Common Room

Hogwarts Staff Room

The Library

Waste Paper Basket

Floo Network


Diagon Alley

Triwizard Tournament

Harry Potter play-by-play

Custom4 Page


Take a handful of floo powder...

Then say the name of your destination loud and clear. Oh, and by the way, you might want to keep your elbows tucked in. We don't want any accidents now do we?!



Official hiding places of the actors
Hogwarts Ghost fan fic
JK Rowling

The mastermind behind Harry, his friends and the world they live in.

Dan Radcliffe (AKA Harry)

Dan's official website

Emma Watson (AKA Hermione)

The best Emma site around

Rupert Grint (AKA Ron)

A nifty little website about Rupert.

Tom Felton (AKA Draco)

Tom's official website.









Don't worry, the flames aren't hot. Just make sure you take enough floo powder for the return journey!